Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cambodian Justice

Toul Sleng, or as it was known by the Khmer Rouge - S21, is a brutal and horrible place to visit.  Stories of the most horrific kinds of torture perpetrated on innocent people. Approximately 14000 people were processed through the once former high school turned torture central before being taking to Cheung Ek (The Killing Fields) for execution.

On my last visit there I watched this man confront people in the street begging for money. The reaction of people he approached ranged from the horrified, to severe discomfort and awkwardness, extreme pity through to revulsion. 

I asked a local English speaking S21 guide if he knew how the man had become so horribly burned. He told me the  man was caught by his wife in bed with another woman so she threw acid on his face.

Nothing to do with the Khmer Rouge just another aspect of Khmer justice.

Outside Toul Sleng, Phnom Penh



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