Monday, October 8, 2012

Muay Thai 4

Taking photographs in a boxing stadium isn't easy. The light varies in every direction you look. The light goes from near darkness to flourescent through to tungsten so getting the White Balance right is a challenge. So, I shot this series all in RAW and then worked on the WB in Lightroom. Most of the shots are quite grainy as the ISO was set very high to try and "freeze" the movement and capture the fighters expressions where possible. But some times a bit of blur captures the motion and speed. I shot using my Canon 7D, a Canon 24-70mm F 2.8 & Sigma 50mm F1.4 and handheld the camera.

I bought a ringside ticket for 2000 Thai Baht (about $60) which gave me the freedom to move around to all aspects of the stadium including the fighters prep room and medical room.



Copyright 2007 ID Media Inc, All Right Reserved. Crafted by Nurudin Jauhari